Harmonic Table primée aux Design that Educates Awards 2020

Harmonic Table primée aux Design that Educates Awards 2020

A l’issue du concours international Design that Educates Awards 2020, la pièce de mobilier Harmonic Table s’est vue attribuer la mention honorable dans la catégorie « Product design » !

Remerciements chaleureux aux organisateurs et au jury pour cette distinction appréciable !


The Design that Educates Awards (DtEA) recognize, showcase, and promote globally the best ideas and implementations of architecture and design that can educate. The design itself may provide an informative and educational layer that guides us through the increasing complexity of our environment. It can showcase specific possibilities and challenges, explain sociocultural factors and influences, or even outline new scenarios for future development. Each year, the esteemed panel of judges selects the outstanding ideas and implementations in the categories of architectural design, product design, universal design, and responsive design.