
|  Design paramétrique d’une façade Eternit  |  Robotic Wire Cutting Workshop  |  En collaboration avec Sarah Barras, Marco Caprani et Alix Gasser  |  Digital Fabrication  |  Payerne (Suisse)  |  Gramazio Kohler Research  |  Exposition au Forum d’Architecture de Zürich du 24.02.2016 au 10.03.2016  |

The aim is the development of novel façade typologies and their digital design and fabrication through 1:1 scale prototypes.

The elements of the façade were materialised in cement composite Swisspearl®, moulded from robotically-cut bespoke polystyrene blocks. The resulting geometric possibilities – paired with machinic speed and efficiency – of this multi-robot fabrication process at hand and the overall setting directly in the production facilities of Eternit (Schweiz) AG allowed for a comprehensive investigation into the architectural potentials of automated cutting by an integral approach to computational design, simulation and physical prototyping.

Film documentaire « The Loose Wire » de Marc Schwarz